Politico BE | Carlo Martuscelli | |||
DW Brussels | Rose Birchard | |||
Politico US | https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/14/left-to-rot-long-covid-patients-around-the-world-call-for-more-government-action-00051161 | ‘Left to rot’: The lonely plight of long Covid sufferers | Daniel Payne | 14/08/2022 |
Euronews |
Picture: https://twitter.com/LongCOVIDEurope/status/1525141535813259264/photo/1 |
How common is long COVID and is Europe underestimating this ‘pandemic within the pandemic’? | Luke Hurst | 13/05/2022 |
Politico UK | https://www.politico.eu/article/economy-long-covid-threat-data-surge/ | Economies face ‘long COVID’ threat as data shows rates surging | Helen Collis | 07/04/2022 |
Chris Baraniuk freelance, BMJ) | https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o158 | Covid-19: How Europe is approaching long covid | Chris Baraniuk | 20/01/2022 |